Wednesday, January 03, 2007

To Be Lucky

Pattie wrote about friendship in her post Just Walk Away and I think she deserves A Perfect Post Award.

" never ruined my faith that friendships are worth a great deal to me, even at the potential expense of being vulnerable to someone else, who has the ability to crush you. Someone that you think will be in your life forever."

A Perfect Post - December

I can still hear my Grandfather's voice telling me that I will be lucky if I can count five true friends in my lifetime. Over the years, I have been eager to add to that list. Too many times I have ended up being extremely disappointed with my bad judgment. I do have some dear friends that I truly love. I know that I should be better about showing how much they mean to me.

It's amazing that during this festive time of year that so many brilliant writers were sharing their words. Find the complete list at Petroville and Suburban Turmoil.

13 Singing the blues:

Anonymous said...

I agree. That was a great post. Good find!

Love your place too...I'll be inviting myself over again. ;)

The Domesticator said...

Oh Jana...have I told you that I love you? :)
Thanks for the nomination!

ewe are here said...

What a great post!

Maintaining friendships over time can be tough; I'm so thankful for the few solid ones I do have.

Lena said...

And isn't it true that the friends you have as a kid are the best you will ever have?

And the ones in high school turn out to be skanks? Or maybe that was just me...

Creative-Type Dad said...

Your Grandfather makes a lot of sense there

Cristina said...

I have to agree with your grandfather, but I'd say that if you can count even just TWO friends that are true friends over a lifetime, you are lucky.

Cristina said...

If you can count five, you are blessed.

Anonymous said...

i am definitely beginning to understand the concept of being able to count your good friends on one hand. i used to this that was crazy...but at the end of the day, there are only a few people in my life these days that make me truly truly happy. that i can be myself around. that i know will be in my life forever. and i'm lucky to have them in my life!

Lisa said...

That WAS a great post that Pattie wrote. You summed it up eloquently.

And as for your post before that, I want my sexy back too. (Oh wait. I never had that in the first place.)

Dharma said...

Friendships are such a tricky thing, as I keep discovering anew. Some are of the hardest and deepest are with family. I recently wrote of a person who is family who is an integral part of my heart who has vacated my life, and everyone I know about it. Who I am is so informed by this person, it's hard to not be able to share the person I've become with them.

Her Bad Mother said...

Ah, so much that I missed while offline! Thanks for directing me to Patti's post to catch up, though...

Anonymous said...

Friendship is a hard thing to foster. I have started to really appreciate how wonderful my best friends are.

Thanks for the list to Pattie's post.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful choice!