Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Define Cheating

A recent online survey uncovered some interesting facts…

83% of people consider romantically kissing someone else while in a committed relationship to be cheating. (20% did it.)

66% believe that having online sex is cheating. (15% of men and 7% of women took part in this activity. These numbers make me wonder if half of these men are unknowingly getting off with each other.)

60% of cheaters believe they totally got away with their affair.

10% felt their partner was suspicious, but never found out for sure.

2% were busted in the act.

94% of those guilty denied having an affair when confronted with their partner's suspicions.

15% of women and 16% of men with children ages 2 to 5 years had an affair.

7% of women and 9% of men cheated while having a child under the age of 2 in the home.

71% of people say it is never okay to be unfaithful.
29% of people think it is acceptable.

Hmmm… Could you please let me know if you think it is alright that I have a hot date tonight with this guy? I am planning on dragging my husband along for the ride.

15 Singing the blues:

Anonymous said...

john mayer? seriously? but his head is sooo big, it's almost disturbing!

mamatulip said...

Will Jessica Simpson be there?

crazymumma said...

he's not my speed hon, and besides I think your man is way hotter...

And do the 'thoughts' I have for my personal trainer constitute cheating?

motherbumper said...

What interesting (and disturbing) stats - YIKES (but I love your thoughts on men having sex online might be having sex with other men who are pretending to be women - HILARIOUS).

And re: your date tonight, it's completely alright if you make your husband watch ;)

carrie said...

And . . . 100% of people polled said that they were jealous you were going to see John Mayer and they were not.

Have a blast!


Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Definitely not cheating. Uh uh.

Is this the concert that also has Ben Folds opening? I'm so not a concert person anymore but I would reconsider for one with John Mayer and Ben Folds.

Anonymous said...

Those stats are disturbing!

I think it is best to take your husband!

karengreeners said...

make it a threesome. then you're all guilty.
(I meant your huz as 3, not jessica simpson, unless, well, hey, I guess that's up to you.)

S said...

With ali on John Mayer's head.

Those stats. disturb me, I admit it; probably because I'm a prude.

Anonymous said...

That picture... it made me ache a little...

some men are just so incredibly hot.

niloc said...

you should all know she dyed her hair for John that morning.

and thanks Crazymumma... i think you are way hotter than John Mayer as well.

cce said...

Could someone please explain the whole on-line sex thing to me. I guess I kind of understand phone sex b/c I suppose you could take your phone into the bedroom with you but the monitor and the keyboard in the bed while trying to conjure passion... just seems to be counter productive. The lengths some people will go these days. Hope the concert's fun!

moplans said...

Hey how was the hot date?

The Domesticator said...

John Mayer has nothin on your hubby, Jana! :0

Unknown said...

Was that 2% got caught in the act? I would have thought that number would be much higher. Cheating is wrong. It betrays trust. And without trust, what's the point?