Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Moving Away from the Witch Fire

10 Singing the blues:

Anonymous said...

I hope you and your family are safe..I heard such bad news on that fire. So sad..

Mine is up here;
Wordless Wednesday
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

It´s impressed. Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

wow, what a shot. Stay safe.

Sophia said...

It's a great picture....not a great situation though. So sad..I hope you stay safe.

Anonymous said...

thats a nice shot. happy ww

motherbumper said...

Wow - is that from the West Coast fires? OMG a scary and beautiful shot all in one.

S said...

Stunning picture. It could easily grace the front page of a newspaper.

b*babbler said...

What an incredible photo. Scary, but incredible!

Run ANC said...

Wow, what a shot!

Anonymous said...

what a great picture! happy ww