All the Cool Kids are Doing It
Thirteen variations on NaBloPoMo National Blog Posting Month |
1. January - NaGoGymMo - National Go to the Gym Month. Too many holiday parties lead right up to the popular New Year's Resolution. 2. February - Ho&BoMo - It's Hot and Bothered Month. Couples are already getting some for Valentine's Day. This is an extension for all twenty-eight (and sometimes twenty nine days) straight. Just Do It! 3. March - DriPiGuinMo - Drink Pints of Guinness Month. You'll see me swaggering home from the pub nightly slurring something about those lucky Irish leprechauns. 4. April - NaEatOutMo - National Eat Out Month. It's likely the only month where everyone participating remembers the acronym. ![]() 5. May - FlaYoUnMo - Flaunt Your Undies Month. It's a spin off of NoBloShoeMo - thirty days of shoes. It is an exclusive club so we can expect Britney Spears to lash out, as she is unable to participate. 6. June - NaCreMaMo – National Create Martinis Month. Find your favorite concoction with a different martini every day. Trial and error with gin and vodka. 7. July - NaFilMoMo - National Filthy Mouth Month. Talking dirty and swearing is mandatory. 8. August – NagYoSpoMo – Nag Your Spouse Month. It’s time to perfect your nagging skills. 9. September – GroYoLoMo – Grow Your Locks Month. No haircuts or shaving allowed for thirty days. 10. October – TuTuTelMo – Tune in, Turn on your Television Month. Couch potato’s unite! 11. November – BinOnTreMo – Binge on Treats Month is putting Halloween candy to good use. Like I need a reason to eat chocolate? 12. December – NaGiGiMo – National Give Gifts Month because who doesn’t want a gift every day of the month? On the 12th day of NaGiGiMo my true love gave to me… 13. All year long – NoSleMoFo – No Sleep Mofo – There is no time to sleep because there is always another peer pressure activity to join in on. Links to other Thursday Thirteens : |
19 Singing the blues:
LOL, very creative list!! I participated last year but this year I was gone at the very beginning of the month and next weekend too.
Have fun posting every day !!!
This list is hilarious!
THAT was freakin' hysterical!!!! LMAO!!
(Hope this isn't a double post but the Captcha just went a little crazy)
Will you need to add a second NaGoGymMo after NaEatOutMo?
Very funny TT :-)
Haha..this is an interesting list..
So funny. At first glance, though, I thought martini month was going to be National Cremation Month.
Nice Thursday post! I love Thursdays, Time to watch Greys anatomy , ER and then fall asleep. I just posted my Thursday post. I had my tooth pulled yesterday so Im still under the weather, but dont worry the post doesnt show pictures of my tooth!
Have a great Thursday!
Any chance of HeGeThaFaBu month? (Help get that family the bus month?)
Oh, I know... BLATANT schilling!
Cool list... what I find funny is that there needs to be this month where the powers that might be ask for a new post daily... I've been doing that pretty much solid for over a year!
You are very funny! Seriously!
you are hilarious. i love it!
Very funny list! Very creative. I especially like FlaYoUnMo - poor Britney! LOL
Happy TT!
Hat's off girl - this is an awesome list! Personally, I'm all about #10
Ha! And I never knew what the NO and MO meant until now.
Is April subject to interpretation? I'm not entirely certain how to proceed.
This is hilarious!! :) Love NoSleMoFo!! Haha Happy Thursday! :)
Oh, funny!
This past month has been both NoSleMoFo AND TuTuTelMo for me. No evergy to do anythig else.
i always see these codes from other blogs, but never knew what they meant until now. thanks for the info.
Ha. At first glance I thought the undies photo was actually connected to NaEatOutMo, which makes it TOTALLY different. Totally different. LOL.
Very funny list.
I'd like to join NaCreMaMo please...
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