Friday, November 14, 2008

Mmmmmmmm... soup

Guess what I’m not doing this year? NaBloPoMo. While torturing you with my daily posts on nothingness would be fun for me, I’ve been consumed. All I do is work… Fourteen hours feels like a short day. This leaves no time for finding somewhat interesting things to share. I miss my children and miss my friends. I miss all of you.

As many of you know the great hot tub escape has now come and gone. The details cannot be posted. It is a very good thing that there was extremely limited internet access up north because on the last evening, I was all about over sharing. My secrets were hung up on the laundry line for all to see. It was not pretty.

Last night, as I lay in bed, thoughts began forming into a blog shape. Of course they scattered into alphabet soup as I crashed. Soon I hope to have more. Until then I plan on making my rounds to visit and catch up with all of you.

7 Singing the blues:

moplans said...

hey glad you are back.
such a tease. give us some details of the hot tub escape!

Kyla said...

Hey stranger! Good to see you.

metro mama said...

Miss you! Let's get together soon--I want to hear all the details about up north!

Tania said...

I like alphabet soup.

kittenpie said...

Soup is the best for a chilly night... Miss you, and second Metro's call for a get-together when you share the dirty deets.

petite gourmand said...

I hope work eases a bit for you soon.
That must be a real challenge.

mamatulip said...

I miss you. :)