Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Let the BloPo Begin

For weeks, there have been wishes granted by the dozen with the aid of Strawberry's magic wand. She ordered me many coffees (that her Daddy delivered!) That would make her the Caffeine Fairy.

Buttercup spent a lot of time making sure the candy was safe for consumption.

Even super heroes get tired at the end of the day.

I felt more like Blue from Blues Clues than my icon. More pictures for your viewing pleasure.

A Must Read
I was left haunted by CityMama's post If... How many times do you ask yourself this type of open question? Is there a rhyme or reason for all the ifs? Stefania is a talented writer and this is one of her three Perfect Posts this month.

The Original Perfect Post Awards

Find the best of October at Petroville and Suburban Turmoil.

7 Singing the blues:

motherbumper said...

Please send the Caffeine Fairy my way... PLEEEEEZE - I need her NOW!

How do I get Buttercups job?

I want your hair and I want it now. Seriously - let's talk because I want to know how you do it.

Anonymous said...

I say you look like a perfect cross between the two: SUPERBLUE!h

Anonymous said...

All three of you look fantastic! Mmm a caffeine fairy sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

your flickr pictures are great...and seriously, happiness IS a small box of smarties. seriously. :)

crazymumma said...

What a perfect fairy! Can she grant other wishes as well? Ilove that you give her that power, it is so real for them.

You made a fab super hero....with boobies!:)

Awesome Mom said...

I love your costume! My icon photo would be much harder to reproduce as I would have to travel back in time.

Sandra said...

I am LOVING that photo of you dressed as your icon. Its even better than I pictured it!!!!!!!!!!!!