Serving Up Songs Estrogen Style
I am back from Austin, Texas! It has taken me a while to get back into the swing of things because on Saturday night I returned to my hotel at one A.M., packed my luggage and then tried to get a few hours of sleep. However my room was next to the hotel's pool where an all night party was going on. At six A.M. my wake up call reminded me that I had to get to the airport. I needed a couple days to recoup especially being that Buttercup has been extra clingy since I have returned.
It seems that while I was away everyone has been sharing their favourite seven songs. Colin couldn't wait for me to create my own list. He has his posted below. Thanks to the most awesome Motherbumper and the babelicious Mrs. Chicky for tagging me.The SXSW Seven Song Edition:
Alloway Grove - Paolo Nutini - I've been listening to this album a lot. I have a weakness for boys with accents.
Black Shoes - The Films - This is a band to watch out for! They are awesome.
Yoo Hoo - Imperial Teen - The drummer had to be about seven months pregnant. It was a real fun show.
Rehab - Amy Winehouse - She played to a packed house at Eternal. I was dying of hunger but I didn't want to leave. If only I could always live on music.
The Bucket - Kings of Leon - The really friendly guy from Oklahoma that was standing next to me was so excited that he announced "I'm going to come in my pants." Dude can you take a step over to your right please.
Amphibious - Children Collide - More scruffy boys with accents.
Hang Me Up To Dry - Cold War Kids - They are one of the bands that I was hoping to see but missed out on. Maybe I'll get that chance when they come to Toronto.
See my photo set here.
Plus I am also including a bonus seven that I can't stop listening to:
I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You) - John Mayer
Gangster Trippin' - Fatboy Slim
Aurora - Foo Fighters
Heartbeat - Tahiti 80
Yellow Ledbetter - Pearl Jam
Heaven or Las Vegas - Cocteau Twins
Blankest Year - Nada Surf (But I don't recommend that you listen to this catchy song around children. Strawberry sang the chorus at the grocery store much to my dismay.)
There are so many songs to fill you up with emotions. It is the almighty raw, powerful language of music. The message changes whether you are listening to a recording on its own or with video. I believe that images can sometimes limit the song. I think it forces our creativity to be placed in a box that doesn't let the lyrics take on our own significance. Yet watching an artist perform their material live can breath new magic into a song. That comes with every expression the artist places into their work and feeding off the crowd's excitement.
I am going to have to hunt down more of these lists. I love finding out everybody's favourites!
16 Singing the blues:
Boys with accents (sigh) - I'm with you on that. And the bonus seven feature many favs of mine. Welcome home SBB - going to check out photos now :)
Welcome home!
I so want to check out some live music with you one day.
There is something about an accent, isn't there?
Great list -- you've given me lots of new bands to check out.
Welcome home!
Welcome Home .... You music always intrigues me :)
I knew you wouldn't disappoint. Great list. I like that Paolo Nutini song a lot better than "New Shoes" which seems to be played on the radio station I listen to every 15 minutes or so.
Welcome back. Off to see your pictures now.
Glad you are back. I hear Austin is a great town. My cousin just moved there recently strictly for the music scene (he's a musician).
I must confess, though, either I am getting old or I am seriously out of touch because I don't know any of those bands which you speak of! :0
Welcome back :)
I was so looking forward to your music meme response. I can't believe you are still friends with me considering how much infinitely cooler you are Ms. Music Exec :)
When it comes to music I like to expose songs that are not so mainstream that might expand their audience. But there are a few on there everybody knows. Even you Pattie!
What you listen to doesn't deem you cool. Rather it is who your friends are!
Thanks for putting links to the bands you mentioned. I really enjoyed listening to all this new stuff. There is some amazing new music coming out.
Glad that you're back - and with a hot list of recommends!
Almost better than chocolate!
I'm so jealous. I was too swamped with house-selling preparations to even consider going to SXSW.
Sigh. Amy Winehouse rocks.
This list confirms it...I'm COMPLETELY old and square. Must spend much $$ on itunes.
ok - blogger ate my comment... in any case, welcome home and I'm jealous of your trip!
Welcome back!
Great list! Off to listen to some more and think of the bloggersister who recommened them...
Wow, I so don't know any of your music.
We flicked on your flickr site and saw all those pictures. P-man immediately said.. look at that well SHE'S got a life!
Thought you might get a kick out of that.
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