Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's Not Always Smiles and Giggles

First things first. Thank you to everyone who left the most awesome, thoughtful, intelligent comments on my last post. The understanding and support that this medium holds amazes me. I colour the people that come by my little spot happy shades because you all brighten my blue.

There is certainly enough guilt to go around for everyone. I am over thinking things. If I wasn't thinking, I would be exercising and that would just be frightful.

Now on to new business... Have you seen Jon and Kate Plus 8? They have twin six-year-old daughters and a set of sextuplets that are three. They have eight times the madness. Eight is enough. No actually eight is unimaginable. They have a remarkably clean house and even more wondrous is that they get all the children dressed and they leave the house. They go out! I get tired just thinking about it. Not to mention that they have a camera crew recording the daily insanity. I would lose.my.mind. I'm in awe. I have huge admiration for these parents.

A few more of us and we could rule the roost!

There are days when two parents and two children leave us feeling matched. Other days make me wish to become octopus like and grow eyes in the back of my head. Negotiating with two in public can drain you faster than a keg at fraternity party. However nothing can stop a Mom About Town. Metro Mama has given me a prime slot to share a day out in the city.

I can barely lift my arms to the keyboard. It seems that walking around the Science Centre taking turns holding our daughters is a great work out. Before heading over to KidSpark, we thought we would tour through the Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition.

Continue reading here...

2 Singing the blues:

motherbumper said...

Jon&Kate Plus 8 makes my head hurt and I find it almost impossible to believe but I guess when they are all there, you just deal.

Heck I find one overwhelming, hats off to you darlin' for dealing with two.

Christina said...

I have seen Jon & Kate Plus 8, and have you seen how neurotic they are? She's so Type A, which is how everything runs so smoothly. If we wanted to run our house like a military organization, we could have houses that clean, too.

Even one child can be too much sometimes. Any parent, whether it be of one or ten kids, has a tough job, and we all have down days. Sometimes it's all about survival.