Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Things I've learned this week

On cars

  • The recovery rate of stolen cars is less than 70% in Toronto. Yes bandits have made off with our car. Luckily we now have a rental while we wait the specified fifteen days before we are allowed to get a replacement. Who steals a car with two car seats? Not cool dude.
On food
  • If I make stuffed baked potatoes, my daughters will refuse to eat them no matter how much cheese is melted on top and even with all the yummy ingredients I throw in.
  • Lately I have almost become a vegetarian as I am turned off by most meat.
  • The longer I stay up, the more that I want to dive into chocolate.

On dreams

  • Strawberry giggled while she slept.
  • Buttercup cried out in terror "No! Nemo."
  • I keep dreaming that I am running either being chased or it is a race against time.
On underwear
  • When lounging in comfy pajamas for an extended period, I should first make sure that I am not wearing irritating underwear.
  • I was shocked that daycare told me that Buttercup is potty trained and ready for cotton undies. As per their request we ditched the pull-ups last week and I am doing more loads of laundry than ever. While I love that daycare has great belief in my daughter, I'm hoping that they know what they are doing because I'm losing my patience with the mess.
On happiness
  • Strawberry reading to me.
  • Buttercup cooing, "You're awesome mummy."
  • Binkywood gossip.

20 Singing the blues:

kittenpie said...

They stole your car with the seats in? Totally now cool. Downright rude, in fact.

But if anything would make up for it, it would be those girls of yours.

Ali said...

yay for buttercup!

Tania said...

Cotton undies! Ours remain in a drawer, with no immediate incentive to use them. Good for you!

Kyla said...

They stole your car?! And car seats?!


Chocolate past midnight is divine, isn't it? Although my hips do not appreciate it.

motherbumper said...

Please tell me that insurance pays for car seat replacement too - and there is special place in hell reserved for those who steal cars with baby seats. Right next to stroller thieves actually.

nonlineargirl said...

You'd think that all things potato would be a child's favorite foods. Ada refuses to eat any potato, and often can't even stand having it on her plate. (more for me.)

EUC said...

Ugh that sucks about the car. Here's hoping they don't find it before the insurance payout (trust me, as a criminal lawyer, you don't want it back once it's gone).

karengreeners said...

I can't believe about the car. Hope the insurance co is good to you.

And Bee is also potty trained at nursery school. It was news to me, and I am still too disorganized to ditch the pullups and deal with the extra laundry. How's that for good mothering?

petite gourmand said...

The sucks about your car.
same thing happened to a friend of mine last week.
only one baby seat though...

yes comfy lounge wear should always be accompanied by comfy underwear.

yay for buttercup!

crazymumma said...

not the car.

not that car.

say it ain't so.

Run ANC said...

Ridiculously uncool! I'm so sorry. Will insurance replace the carseats as well? They cost a lot.

Yay for potty-training! And yes, the amount of laundry is also ridiculous.

Hey, can you tell what my favourite word is right now??

Run ANC said...

Ridiculously uncool! I'm so sorry. Will insurance replace the carseats as well? They cost a lot.

Yay for potty-training! And yes, the amount of laundry is also ridiculous.

Hey, can you tell what my favourite word is right now??

moplans said...

Someone broke into our car, I thought the car seats deterred them but I see the bastards are not deterred by children's belongings. how wrong.

excess laundry is not fair.

Christina said...

That sucks. When our house was broken into, the guy even went into Cordy's room (she was still in a crib at that point) and tore up her room looking for valuables. Not cool.

I hope you'll be able to get a replacement, with car seats, soon.

NotSoSage said...

I don't know why I feel that a criminal would take pity on my status as a parent, but I remember feeling particularly incensed when someone robbed me and knew I had a child. No honour among thieves, I suppose.

I hope the two weeks passes quickly. Nice seeing you (very, very briefly) yesterday.

b*babbler said...

Really? The car seats? Seriously uncool.

Love love LOVE the new banner!

metro mama said...

You are awesome!

I'm so sorry about the car--that sucks.

Jon said...

There's nothing witty & reassuring to say about your car. That blows.

carrie said...

Hope you get your car back - that is pretty low.

And I totally get the meat and the underwear thing . . . wait, that sounded bad. You know what I mean! :)

Urban Daddy said...

Sorry to hear about the car. We've had our car broken into here in big bad TO. Never taken... yet, I guess.

Stuffed baked potatoes, eh?!? Hmmmm.

The irritating underwear comment made me laugh. If the PJ's were so comfy, why wear undies?!? Maybe that's just a guy thing... sorry. :)