Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Go Go Girl and Other Short Stories

Buttercup has said her first official word. "Go!"
She repetitively chants, "Go, Go, Go" and we continuously repeat her.

Here is our little Go Go Girl.

I find it curiously ironic that Suri Cruise and Grier Henchy, (daughter of Brooke Shields) arrived on the same day! What are the odds of that happening? 1 in a gazillion! Will this fire up any rumours or new wars? Maybe their parents will arrange some play dates and they can be best friends. Now that would be sweet.

Lately I find strangers giving Strawberry free food. She got a slice of cheese from the deli. Her Auntie Rojo took her to the corner store where they gave her this delicious looking treat.

Marshmallow Gummy Burgers - Suitable for Vegetarians.

16 Singing the blues:

Marcie said...

I can see why she wants to go all the time, marshmallow gummy burgers! Babies get all the perks. What a cutie pie.

Her Bad Mother said...

I sometimes call WonderBaby 'GoGoDancer' - I know - in a high falsetto while she jolly-jumps, and I wonder sometimes whether this will influence her first words.

But so long as that word is not 'dude,' I think that I'll be okay with whatever she offers up.

mamatulip said...

She's soooo cute. :)

Anonymous said...

Go Go go go Gummy burger! (That is really what she is thinking you know!)

The Domesticator said...

At least your cutie's first words weren't "No, no no...!!!'

I wonder how long it will take Katie to call up Brooke for some PPD drugs?

Mom101 said...

Re suri/grier: The universe has plans for us and it often involves someone laughing at us. Sometimes I think we're all just pawns.

ms blue said...

I'd love to try Buttercup's new vocabulary skills at sporting events!

My sarcasm did not make its way through today on the Burger. Take a close look at it... Eeewwww! No wonder they are giving those away for free.

Does anyone think maybe there is conspiracy theory? That Katie wasn't really pregnant and they had just arranged to take a twin baby from Brooke! Nah, too elaborate.

Ok, I'm starting to feel like a big dork commenting on my own blog.

Amy said...

I heard that Katie and Brooke were right down the hall from each other. If that's true, I hope Brooke was being a LOUD as possible.

Marcie said...

The marshmallow burger looks disgusting, I get that, but my kids love that kind of stuff. It looks like peeps, nothing but colored sugar.

Anonymous said...

by the way thank you for leveing me that yummy treat. it tasted like poison.

by the sounds of buttercup first word she is going to be just like her sister go go go.

ms blue said...

LOL hi there auntie rojo! So glad you finally popped out from your lurking. Can't believe you ate that thing! Didn't anyone teach you not to eat candy from strangers. hee hee.

Stacy said...

wow I didn't know they were both born on the same day. odd! i wonder what mr. cruise said when he heard that happy news??

Anonymous said...

I totally think it is wild that they were born on the same day.... Your baby is soooo cute!! GO GO GO!!!

Chicky Chicky Baby said...

Mmmm, marshmallow burger. Them's good eatin'. So is placenta. Tom did eat the placenta, right? I'd be so disappointed if another tabloid rumor wasn't true.

Buttercup is too sweet! Go Go Gadget cuteness.

Stephanie said...

Apparently Tom & Brooke were meant to have their daugher's on the same day. Hmmm, I wonder if Katie with need any meds for PPD?

Cristina said...

A gummy that looks like a hamburger. hmmm. Something tells me McDonald's is behind this idea.