Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You Are What You Eat

Down, down, down. This is why I shouldn't be doing NaBloPoMo. As a sleep deprived parent, everything gets fuzzy when you are overtired. It’s a steep slope descending into the pit. I'm not in my happy place.

It seems Buttercup has her days and nights mixed up. I'm coming off a marathon twenty-two hour dance party. To send me further into a haze, I'm crashing after drinking buckets of coffee that I've used to keep my motor running.

Today it did not take a scale for me to realize that I've put on some weight. I'm starting to feel like a perogie. Damn that full-length mirror that sits beside the computer desk.

I should be as dedicated in going to the gym as I am about blogging. That would prevent my cords from making that swooshing noise when I walk. Of course, January is right around the corner. Right after New Year's resolutions are made, so begins NaGoGymMo (National Go to the Gym Month.) I always look forward to hearing the same annual radio advertisement that sing songs "Look at me, I'm a pear."

Before that comes the most wonderful time of the year. Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or Christmas, if you’re a reader that I know through the blogosphere I would love to exchange some holiday cheer in a snail mail card format. Drop me a quick e-mail to cmcreate at gmail dot com and leave me your address. I promise I won't distribute your info to any third party. It's between you, me and the mailman. I got this lovely idea from Chelle. In thanks for your participation, I’ll insert your name into various carols. Jolly good times!

6 Singing the blues:

motherbumper said...

Mmmmmm perogies....

My cords can start a fire since I can't give up the Ben & Jerrys. And I love me some Christmas food so the new displays at the Loblaws are killing me. I'm sure you look fantastic but I do understand that pear sentiment.

Festivus! For all of us!

I love getting snail mail that doesn't demand money. Are you sure you're not asking for any? Sending snail address now.

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love perogies, and oh how I look like one! I really should be doing NaGoGymMo, or NaCleHoMo- wait that was supposed to be National clean house month, but didn't really come out that way. Hrm.

kittenpie said...

Nothing stops cords from swooshing, honey, nothing. But yeah, I've started to think I should get on with losing some weight, too. (Oh, good timing, kittenpie, with the holidays and the yummy eggnog ahead...)

The Domesticator said...

Cheese and potato filled perogies are my favorite!

"Festivus...the holiday for the restivus!" Love my Seinfeld. Love it.

Tania said...

You mean the "swish" doesn't happen to skinny people??? That's so unfair!

Anonymous said...

"look at me...I'm a pear..."

I love that advertisement. Not that it actually motivates me to DOING anything...but still...