Tuesday, December 19, 2006

In the land of broken ornaments

There is a big chip missing from my new Frosty the Snowman music box. Strawberry's miniature moose snow globe shattered to a thousand pieces. (Colin threw it out and even though I told him that it was blog worthy. ~phewy) These broken ornaments seem to symbolize the spirit that I am lacking.

You can read about how I have been feeling at Mommy Blogs Toronto.

12 Singing the blues:

Anonymous said...

HUGS! Hope you are feeling better!

Heather said...

So it's pathetic fallacy when the weather reflects the character's mood... what do we call it with ornaments?

I couldn't agree more on commercialization taking the fun out of the holidays. Hope you find a happy groove soon.

The Domesticator said...

We have a broken ornament graveyard that gathers under the tree each and every year. I feel your pain!

PS: I read your post over at M.B.T. yesterday but for some reason, I had trouble commenting...I enjoyed it, though. Sorry you aren't feeling the spirit this year. If I FedEx'd you a Gingerbread Latte, would that help? :)

Anonymous said...

oh no! i'm so sorry that you're so disenchanted this holiday season!!

will cookies make you feel better?? :)

mamatulip said...

My mom gave me a box of Christmas ornaments when I first moved out of her house and I smashed every single one of them. I was absolutely devastated...it really put a damper on my holiday spirit.

I hope you're feeling a bit brighter soon. Off to read your post at MBT...

Run ANC said...

I'm sending you some Christmas spirit over the internet. I don't have much to spare, but I'm always willing to share what I've got. It's the season of giving, right?

Creative-Type Dad said...

That's O.K...who needs unbroken ornaments anywa

Jodi @ blog-o-licious said...

I hear ya' - I wish I was a kid again - when Christmas was fun. BTW - I only buy non-breakable ornaments now - I was too heartbroken over the one that got wrecked.

crazymumma said...

oh....the poignant pain of broken symbols. i so get what you are saying.

Anonymous said...

I finally found my Christmas spirit yesterday. Here's hoping you get yours.

I'm off to read your post...

Sandra said...

Oh no. And I know you are normally a holiday lover! Wishing you a spirit filled Christmas soon! The lack of white stuff sure doesn't help.

Blog said...

I'm with you....I've just been through a cold and stomach bug. Total suckage. Hope you're feeling better and that you enjoy your holidays. :)