The Power in a PDA
I crave it. I hunt it down and drag it back to our doorsteps. On occasion I may even create it. It makes life an interesting adventure. As a spectator, watching drama unfold fills me with glee.
It's likely human nature that I take delight in the fortune and even misfortune of others.
When someone achieves success people are eager to see them fall off their pedestal. We can't help but tune into train wrecks. It's easy to want someone who is larger than life to have to endure some adversity. Most people know that celebrity gossip is blown out of proportion just to make a good headline.
When we catch a glimpse of real tragedy, it can be hard to look away. It serves as a reminder to thank the stars that it's not me. I am lucky.
There is even more power in a feel good moment. These are times that my heart feels lighter and a smile will grace my lips by witnessing happiness in a stranger. A child hugging his mother; lovers embraced in a passionate kiss; a group of friend's laughter that draws our attention.
I devour novels weeping real tears for people that exist only on paper. In the theatre I cheer for heartthrobs on their quest to find love or save humanity. Hollywood knows our weakness for drama and is constantly churning out billions to keep us lining up for another serving.We rented Trust The Man. While it does have plenty of laugh out loud moments it was so apparent to me that this story of relationship troubles was written by a man. Writer/Director Bart Freundlich comes up slightly short as he does not leave me trusting anyone. Tom (David Duchovny) is a bored, stay at home dad in need of more sex. While his brother in law Tobey (Billy Crudup) has commitment issues. It could have been a really smart movie had they not relied heavily on a rather cheesy happy ever after ending. Both guys end up using the three magic words in a public setting to win back their hearts desire.
Yes I believe that women do love hearing the phrase "I love you." As I obviously adore public displays of affection, I would gawk and gush to be a bystander of a marriage proposal. However I do not find it believable that a strong woman would forget all their relationship history with a simple public declaration of love. I don't think it is easy to kick the man that you love to the curb even if he did break your heart. It gives a false illusion that women are suckers for grand gestures. No matter what goes wrong in your relationship, she will take you back if you boldly play the Love Card in front of strangers. I'm sorry guys but that is not your get out of jail free ticket. It will cost a whole lot more than two hundred dollars as you pass Go!
Even though I have slightly spoiled the ending, I still recommend viewing this movie. I may even buy it because I could spend 103 minutes over and over with the delicious Billy Crudup.
5 Singing the blues:
mmm...billy crudup...
i still love his cheating-with-angela-chase-even-though-my-girlfriend-is-7-months-pregnant ass. ooh...does he ever have a nice ass...
I am sort of cynical about those kinds of displays of 'true' love. Perhaps it is the insomnia I had last night that is making me feel so bitter.
But I will try and watch the movie if only for Billy....
Saw this one at the 2005 TIFF and I couldn't agree more. The ending just smacked of cheese.
Yes, yes, yes!
I love you doesn't make up for anything. Love is about action...not just words.
I gotta say that I love me the Cheese. I am a sucker for grand gestures - but only in the movies. Add Billy Crudup and I'm there.
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