Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Get Down Tonight
When I said there was dancing, I meant there was dancing.
Shake It Sister from something blue and Vimeo.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I don't know why blogging is difficult for me these days. If I keep waiting for brilliance to strike, this web page will turn to dust and blow away. So forgive me for the verbal spew I bring forth in a desperate attempt to find my mojo.
We had a lovely trip out west. The weather was cool and rainy. The girls were spoiled and I kept my mom going nonstop. There was swimming, play parks, the library, movies, shopping and plenty of dancing. I ate pineapple gelato, lamb shishlake, perogies and cabbage rolls. Yummmmmm…
We are used to spending every evening outside with the girls running around however on the Prairies that is not a viable possibility. Every time I ventured out, the mosquitoes attacked. I was fresh blood. It got to the point that I told Strawberry that we couldn't go outside if the mosquitoes were awake and they were always awake. One evening we noticed her starring at a lamp and then she gave a low, throaty growl. I irrupted in giggles as I discovered her trying to scare off a mosquito.
Add on a two hour time difference and no dad in sight to enforce the bed time routine and the girls ended up going to bed later and later. Getting back to the swing of things this past week has been hard. That of course is normal for us. We seem to constantly be fighting the late bed time routine in hopes of an earlier and easier morning ritual. The battle continues on…
I woke up this past Sunday feeling the effects of a few too many gin and tonics to find my sixteen year old cat Monty was in very bad shape. He had a territorial dispute over our backyard with a neighborhood cat about a week earlier and his head had an abscess that ruptured. I had to quickly realize that in his old age my lovable, grouchy, fat cat had been wasting away to almost nothingness. Colin who had quite the relationship struggle with Monty over the years had to come to my rescue. We said our goodbyes and the girls couldn't understand why we were sad. Strawberry was happy that Monty could finally go live with Duckie, his sweetie and sidekick for twelve years. She thought he was going to be so happy in his new home. I don't know what she envisions but I hope I'm not doing any damage to her psyche. She seems to be happy with the information that we have given her. Colin took him to an emergency vet and stayed with him to the end. I loved that cat. He was full of personality and even with his independent cat like ways, he was truly devoted to me.
I'm now on day four of my own wasting away diet. There is nothing like a summer heat wave to make you realize that the diet that you had best intentions for had not materialized and it was time to take drastic measures. I go by the old standard for evaluating my obesity. Stand up and look down. If you can see your toes you are still ok. Whew! Now stand with your legs together. If your thighs touch you are overweight. Thunder crash! Hell yah, they touch. Isn't that the idea of together? What supermodel told me of this theory? So here I am on day four of Mission Get Slim Fast. I'm in sugar withdrawal but it is amazingly much easier to suck in my stomach. I'm all about illusions and if I must breath in and walk around never to exhale again, so be it. Visions of sugar treats dance in my head. Ok I admit that George Clooney has been feeding me chocolates...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
B.O.B. (Bullets Over Blogland)
As seen here, here and often here, bullets are all the rage.
I can't get my act together. I'm twelve days behind in the 365 project. I have dozens of personal e-mails that need to be composed. I have to write for MBT. I'm sick. It's just a chest cold/throat thing. I must comment on your site. Gah! Please, please forgive my lack of blather commenting. I've been reading through bloglines and google reader so I know how far behind I am. I figure most of you have given up on me, as you should. But the love! I have so much love for you all. I should install an official slacker seal. You don't even want to see the sorry state of my house.
You may ask, "What have you been doing?" That is a really good question. I don't have time to ponder that and I have absolutely no idea. I guess I spend my time going through the motions of every day life and exerting an insane amount of energy on feeling guilty for not being able to keep up my online life.
Strawberry had a birthday. She's four! I seem to be struggling with this. Up to eighteen months is an infant and then comes the tantrum filled years but at four she has moved beyond that. Four seems so grown up. The changes in appearance and behavior, the quick grasp of knowledge, the ability to reason, the range of emotions and the fragileness that comes with all of this is overpowering. We had a birthday party for her at Nana's house. Strawberry requested a Happy Feet birthday cake. While her guests played outside, she wanted to do a new puzzle on the dining room table. Her little sister slept in the living room. It was the most fun I've had in a long time.
I also had an extreme amount of fun with Metro Mama when we went to Evil Dead: The Musical. I couldn't stop smiling! If you get the chance to see it… Go! You can check out Metro Mama's recap of the night.
Two days earlier, I took the girls to a musical of their own - Go Diego Go! It was Buttercup's first time at one of these children events. She couldn't understand why there was an intermission and cried for Diego to come back for the whole twenty minutes. We're still singing "We're gonna get your growl back" around the house.
I'm off to the airport for a trip out west and I've run out of time. I'm scared of mosquitos... Later!
ms blue
10:25 a.m.
Singing the blues
Labels: A Scoop of Strawberry, bloggy goodness, family fun, Sweet Buttercup