Thursday, November 30, 2006

Looks Like Chocolate!

I squeeze my eyes open, squinting at the bright computer screen to write one last post. It's blindingly white.

"Everyday, everyday, everyday I write the blog."

Mr. Costello's revised song has been stuck on repeat in my head. I would never have been able to write thirty days straight without the help of Colin. There were many nights, including this evening, where he woke me up because I had to get a last minute post up. Can you imagine? I almost slept through the last night of NaBloPoMo!

Ok my eyes are now fully open. On with the post...

Babies stick things in their mouths. This is a well-known fact. As a parent we often scramble to make sure that no small objects get lodged down our child's throat. Yes, things do tend to get more relaxed with your second child. I will now continue on to embarrassingly demonstrate.

Buttercup was sitting amongst her toys. She picked something up and it went straight into her mouth. I wondered how fast I needed to dart across the room to retrieve the object. I saw that she was spitting it out so I decided that it was not an emergency super hero fly across the room type of deal. Until... wait for it. This gets nasty... I saw that she was making a yuck face. I quickly determined that the object was left behind by the cat. Ick! Poo! I made a mad dash across the room to rescue the baby, gagging along with her.

Once I had everything under control, I decided that I might as well get the girls into the bath. To get me back for letting her taste poo, Buttercup decided to pee on me. There is nothing like that warm feeling soaking through your clothes. This was quite the night. I bet you are really glad that Colin woke me up so that I could share.

"Everyday, everyday, everyday I write the blog."

Now that December is mere minutes away, I will use all the nonblogging time to get caught up. I've turned into somewhat of a lurker and plan to return to commenting at my usual haunts and some new ones that I've recently discovered. I will get the sleep that I crave and I might just crawl out from under this mountain like pile of laundry that I've neglected.

I will get my holiday on! Decorating, shopping and spreading cheer. I will sip holiday spirits and unwind. I'm looking forward to getting my cards out soon. It's not too late if you'd like to receive one in your very own mailbox. Drop me an email.

So this nonsense of daily blather is over but I do not go quietly into the night. This exercise has shown me how much I love to reflect on the day and share them with who ever stops by. To everyone who still reads my rambles, I thank you for indulging me. Holiday goodies to you and yours! I now resume regularly scheduled blogging.

10 Singing the blues:

Dharma said...

I am loving your Costello satire. Loving it I tell you.

karengreeners said...

they do like to keep us on our toes.
I often think bee is one of those 'oh, my baby doesn't do that' kind of babies. then she does something like snack on her hair clips... or colour on the tv... or ride the cat... or eat a plant...

motherbumper said...

Guess what song I have stuck in my head now? At least it's a cool song. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy it's over. Must go catch Bumper who has become a climbing monkey (and she probably will eat cat *treats* by the end of the day too).

kittenpie said...

Congrats are in order for monaking it one full month! I've been feeling a bit bad for my lightweight posting lately, but have some time in Decmber, so might get to other topics soon. Especially now that my contest will wrap up and the CBAs will be over!

Run ANC said...

Congratulations! I don't think I could do it myself (or if I did, a couple of posts would surely read: "um, nothing to say today" or "can't think. head hurts.")

Poo! Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it through the month!

Poor kid ... Poo ... no good! Pee'd on ... been there, nothing matches that yuck feeling!

Norma said...

I joined but it's no problem--I do 4 or 5 a day.

Thanks for participating.

And my TT is up, so you aren't done yet!

Anonymous said...

Poo! Pee! Yikes! Sounds like you need a nice, relaxing hot bath.

Congrats on posting for one month STRAIGHT!

Sandra said...

Poo and pee?! I guess I should be grateful for my guy only peeing in the pool now. Sigh.

CONGRATS on makign it through a month of blogging. Well done. YAY YOU!!

Heather Bea said...

I can't believe you managed to write every day. I went the opposite way and hardly posted at all. So I am in awe of your blogging powers.