Tuesday, March 06, 2007

One x One

A year ago I was worried that I would not have anything to say. That I would quickly run out of ideas to share in this space. What a riot! The gates were opened and a flood of ideas came rushing in. Forming sentences is always a challenge, but it is one that I muster up the courage for after a couple cups of coffee.

A year ago I had no idea how much of my time would become invested in this world. How even when I'm not writing, I am writing. As I make my way through each day I am storing thoughts for future entries. My mind naturally wanders to the lives of those that I read; wondering how they are doing. I find myself eager to go pay them a visit.

Looking back I can't say that I have seen a great change in my own style or a progression of my skills. I can't say that I have shared anything truly amazing. From the hits on my site meter, I possibly have helped a few people understand something confusing and embarrassing but I still get more people searching for male underwear models. Hopefully the love I have for my children shines through the confusion of being a new mom.

There was a defining moment in my life when I was a teenager. Like on most occasions, I had my nose pressed in a book. I looked up to find my Grandfather, who I truly loved and admired, thoughtfully smiling at me. He asked me what I was reading. I have no idea what had me turning page after page at that moment in time but he remarked that one day I was likely to write my own story. In my teenage wisdom I scoffed, "Oh Grandpa, who would read what I have to write?" With his secret insight he replied, "You would be surprised."

Every time I get a comment, it is still a rush. I am thankful to have found some readers. People that I feel connected to and I call my friends. I am thankful for my blog and the avenue that it provides. I am so thankful for you! Candy for everyone…

26 Singing the blues:

Mouse said...

Wonderful linky love! And YAY for 1 year!

Anonymous said...

candy? did someone say candy? :)

motherbumper said...

Happy Bloggiversary and I'm so glad that you are here my friend. And candy for everyone? YEE HAW!

Bobby D. said...

I love this bloggy goodness, Congrats!

nonlineargirl said...

As Ada's been saying a lot lately: Happy Birthday Baby!

I love checking in with your world; keep it up!

metro mama said...

Happy anniversary! Another thing to celebrate Friday.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary...

Did you say candy?

Christina said...

Happy one year!

You do have something to say, and people do want to read what you write, so your grandfather was right.

And it is amazing how easy it is to get sucked in to blogging, isn't it? I find myself constantly thinking about the lives of other bloggers, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy bloggoversary, sweetie!

I'm so glad I've found you. You have such a way with words and you help me to feel not so alone.

Thank you.

mamatulip said...

Wow, one year already?

I remember when I found your blog; I was excited because you have such a love of music. And I remember how, in the middle of the worst migraine I've ever had, I discovered you'd awarded me a PP award. The connection is there, my friend.

Happy One Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy one year! I am glad you enjoy blogging so much ... it is good for the soul :)

karengreeners said...

right back at ya babe! happy happy one-yearaversary. one more toast to make on friday. (ooh, things could get wonderfully messy!)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, candy.

I feel like jumping up and down and squealing, "Me too!" You summed up how I felt when I started. But it's fascinating to read about people with that connection. I may not always comment, but I always read.

Happy One Year!

niloc said...

it's weird that one year has gone by already. you used to be up all night blogging. (writing/reading/commenting) but it has slowed down a little since then cos you pass out every night putting the girls down to bed. happy anniversary baby! and just so you know… i’ve got the “stash”.

Tania said...

Yay you! I don't know if I'll make it to a year, but I admire you for doing it. Thanks for mentioning me too. You've managed to tripple my usual traffic, which means I might not throw in the towel for at least another two weeks. Oh the power that you have...

The Domesticator said...

Happy An niversary!
You are one of my favorites :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I am so very glad to have your voice in the blog world.

And lots of yummy candy right back at you. :-)

scarbie doll said...

Happy Happy Joy Joy! I think the picture says it all. So glad to have found you online.

*Tanyetta* said...

happy blogversary! i've always wondered how to check to see how ppl find my blog. i'm a bit afraid to find out though.:)

Creative-Type Dad said...

Happy Blogiversary -
Great picture!

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 year! And what an adorable photo!!

Her Bad Mother said...

Happy Blogiversary! And - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

We'll toast later...

kittenpie said...

Aw, we love you too, honey! How funny that you started blogging right around your birthday - see you tonight. With bells on! (Because you need to have music wherever you go - yes, I just finished doing a babytime programme!)

Run ANC said...

Happy Blogiversary! And did I mention that yet that you have the cutest kids, like, EVER?? That picture makes me smile.

crazymumma said...

Your grandfather sounds wise.

Hope you are feeling better. Colin is quite wonderful....

Sandra said...

Your birthday and your blogiversary all in the same week!!

So glad I found your blog and have been along for the ride this past year. So so so so so glad :)