Thursday, May 10, 2007

Say What?

Upon looking at a half moon, my future astronaut worries, "The moon is broken."

At daycare, the caregiver tells me, "When we were out on our walk, Strawberry pointed out Madonna on an H&M billboard. How does she know who Madonna is?" One of the preschoolers in her group answered for me. "She lives with them."

The family was gathered in front of the television. We saw this commercial for the first time. Awestruck by it, we doubled over when Buttercup followed with her rendition of dancing and singing Boom Chicka Wah Wah. Colin's face was priceless! The fun the girls will have in torturing their dad has already begun.

123's & ABC's Dude! from something blue on Vimeo

Real dudes do memes.
Thanks L.A. Daddy and Misterpie (well of course the Kitten was behind that one.) We are hoping Buttercup's "Hey Dude" will inspire a few more guys to jump on this wagon. You know you want to!

9 Singing the blues:

crazymumma said...

Oh! I am going to show my girls that commercial today!

Cracked me right up over my morning coffee!

Your girls are so gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

love the video. too cute!

ps. i love that commercial...and i used a boom chicka wow wow in my post too :)

Pendullum said...

Love the fact that none of the kids look at the camera... They are just going about there ABC business... and no camerawoman is going to get themt o say 'Hey Dude'

motherbumper said...

Gah - I can't watch the video (*pouts in corner*). I will try again later.

And that commercial? If B tried doing that, SB would lock her in her room until she was 30. And I would be laughing my butt off.

Anonymous said...

awww your kids are so cute! Be proud mama!

kittenpie said...

I'm behind everything, baby, everything!

killing myself imagining NIloc freaking out over the hoochie dancing... Misterpie would just faint, I'm sure of it.

Ms. Skywalker said...

What kind of self-respecting mother would have a child that didn't know who Madonna was?

mamatulip said...

Oh my GOD that video is so cute. SO CUTE!!

Blog said...

That commercial is THE BEST!
So sweet and sad that he thought the moon was broken -- kids say and think the most amazing things! LOVE the vid!