I have claimed that it is the sushi that keeps me in the city. Now I must add to that the wonderful women who make up the Toronto Posse of Bloggers. I can't get enough of the bonding, the laughter and the brilliance of each of them individually. Together, the fun level exceeds all boundaries.
It has much to do with the fact that we have great respect for each other from reading the insightful words found upon our new friend's blogs. It was a love-in like no other. The support we show each other online is intensified as we hang on each other's spoken words. I think I might have been playing a drinking game and took a sip every time a compliment was dished out because that is the only way to explain the hangover that followed.
I couldn't wait to meet Scarbie Doll who confided that she thought I would have blue hair. (Sorry to disappoint you sister!) She is a likely candidate to be a partner in crime. I'm not sure what that means being that I only cross the street at the appropriately designated areas, however I think she could convince me that it wouldn't be so bad to get arrested. I was equally thrilled to meet Motherbumper, Tania, Lisa and AC. We were blog pushers to the newly recruited Mamalooper. I had been counting down the days to hang with the rest of the gorgeous women including Her Bad Mother, Bub and Pie, Metro Mama, Pumpkinpie and Sunshine Scribe. To get the opportunity to sit at the same table as any one of these ladies leaves you longing for more. Luckily I have their blogs to visit until the next time we get together.
I learned a valuable lesson not to believe my husband when he says that he recharged the batteries for my camera. Still I managed to capture a few pictures to share.
There are other women close by that I wholehearted can’t wait to meet, not to mention the far away bloggers that I hope to share conversation with one day. In person.